Environment & Climate Change

CORE-STEP: Advancing Innovative Knowledge-Based Solutions for Inclusive and Climate Ready Primary Health Care Systems

Partners Indonesian Organisations Universitas Syiah Kuala, Graduate Program in Disaster Science; Faculty of Medicine; Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center/ TDMRC Australian Organisations Griffith University, School of Medicine and Dentistry; Griffith Asia Institute/GAI Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr. Rina Suryani Oktari, PhD Dr. Connie Cai Ru Gan, PhD, MPH Researchers – Prof. Dr. Taufik Fuadi […]

CORE-STEP: Advancing Innovative Knowledge-Based Solutions for Inclusive and Climate Ready Primary Health Care Systems Read More »

Understanding social participation and inclusion in jurisdictional approaches to sustainable environmental management

Partners Indonesian Organisations Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) Australian Organisations University of Melbourne, Faculty of Arts and the Nossal Institute Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Associate Professor Rachael DiproseAssociate Professor Kate Macdonald Researchers Dr Bahruddin Research location RiauWest Kalimantan Keyword Jurisdictional Approach Research summary The objective of this research is to strengthen

Understanding social participation and inclusion in jurisdictional approaches to sustainable environmental management Read More »

Initiative for an Open, Inclusive, and Integrated Climate Change Model for Indonesia

Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Indonesia, Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)– Institute for Essential Reform (IESR)– The SMERU Research Institute Australian Organisations Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions, The Australian National University Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr. Alin HalimatussadiahDr. Milda Irhamni Researchers Prof.

Initiative for an Open, Inclusive, and Integrated Climate Change Model for Indonesia Read More »

Harvesting Hope: Renewable Energy, Clean Water, and Quality Salt for Madura’s Saltwork Community Through Seaweed Farming

Partners Indonesian Organisations – University of Trunojoyo, Faculty of Engineering– Ministry of Marine Affairs, Directorate of Seawater Utilisation and Biopharmacology Australian Organisations – University of Newcastle, Global Engagement and Partnerships– RMIT University, College of Business and Law Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Professor Caroline Chan Researchers Prof. Booi KamA/Prof. Wahyudi AgustionoNizar AmirDr Zaki Mahassin Research location

Harvesting Hope: Renewable Energy, Clean Water, and Quality Salt for Madura’s Saltwork Community Through Seaweed Farming Read More »

Contesting loss for Indonesian communities in climate-crisis (CLICCC)

Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institute for International Studies– Rujak Centre for Urban Studies– Satya Wacana University, Centre for Sustainable Development Studies– Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, International Relations– Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Public Health Australian Organisations Murdoch University, Indo-Pacific Research Centre (formerly Asia Research Centre) Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr. Jacqui Baker Researchers Assoc.

Contesting loss for Indonesian communities in climate-crisis (CLICCC) Read More »

Fire Play: Understanding and Documenting Indigenous Fire Governance in Indonesia

Partners Indonesian Organisations – Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sosial dan Politik, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia– Yayasan Puter Indonesia– Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Pusat Riset Kewilayahan Australian Organisations University of Melbourne, Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Aryo DanusiriS. Paramita B. UtamiSofyan Ansori Researchers Andaman MuthadirAngela IbanEdwin JurriensJemma

Fire Play: Understanding and Documenting Indigenous Fire Governance in Indonesia Read More »

Enabling children as agents of change through inclusive edugames on climate change and disaster resilience

Partners Indonesian Organisations – PREDIKT Tangguh Indonesia– Universitas Nusa Cendana, Faculty of Public Health– Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Faculty of Arts and Design– ChildFund Indonesia– Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia – MPBI) Australian Organisations – Charles Darwin University, Faculty of Arts and Society– University of Western Australia, Graduate School of Education– Harkaway

Enabling children as agents of change through inclusive edugames on climate change and disaster resilience Read More »

Understanding Climate Impact on The Grassroot Communities and Rural Livelihood in Indonesia: Catalysing Changes toward Adaptation and Resilience

Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Mataram, Faculty of Animal Science– Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business– Konsorsium untuk Studi dan Pengembangan Partisipasi (KONSEPSI)– Bengkel APPEK– Yayasan Pengkajian Pengembangan Sosial (YPPS)– TRANSFORM– Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LP2M)– Yayasan Konservasi Way Seputih (YKWS ) Australian Organisations Charles

Understanding Climate Impact on The Grassroot Communities and Rural Livelihood in Indonesia: Catalysing Changes toward Adaptation and Resilience Read More »

Developing an Integrated Approach to Climate Change Adaptation, Food Security and Social Forestry in Vulnerable and Indigenous Communities in Eastern Indonesia

Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Nusa Nipa, Department of Agrotechnology– University of Indonesia, Department of Anthropology– Universitas Budi Luhur, Pusat Studi Budaya Luhur Nusantara– Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dept Sociology– NGO Sandy Florata– Dinas Lingkungan dan Kehutanan NTT– UPT KPH Kabupaten Sikka– UPT KPH Kabupaten Flores Timur Australian Organisations Australian National University, Crawford School of Public

Developing an Integrated Approach to Climate Change Adaptation, Food Security and Social Forestry in Vulnerable and Indigenous Communities in Eastern Indonesia Read More »

Developing applications of satellite imagery for modelling environmental and social impacts of climate change on seaweed farming in Indonesia

Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Hasanuddin, Research and Development Centre for Marine, Coastal and Small Island Research– Jaringan Sumber Daya, PT.– Universitas Nusa Cendana, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries– Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Geography– Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual, Fisheries Post-Processing Technology Department Australian Organisations – Griffith University, Griffith Asia Institute Agribusiness

Developing applications of satellite imagery for modelling environmental and social impacts of climate change on seaweed farming in Indonesia Read More »