Australian Academy of Science Symposium on International Collaboration:
AAS has just published their discussion paper on international science collaboration, ahead of their symposium on Tuesday 14th November. This has some great data, insights and visualisations of international research relationships.
- Discussion paper:
- Symposium:
ACOLA and the Parliamentary Library posted our most recent webinar: ‘Developing Australia’s critical technologies’.
GEDSI findings shared by UNSW: Research funding as a mechanism to advance gender equity
A recent study from 20 years of awarded research grants in Australia conducted by the Women in STEM Ambassador research team and discussed practical, evidence-based ways of accelerating change towards gender equity. Practical actions included:
- Create gender-neutral recruitment documentation and set shortlisting (at least 40% women shortlisted)
- Encourage and support women to apply for promotions (especially to academic levels D and E in universities)
- Establish grassroots working groups and committees to drive and inform equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) efforts
- Create paid roles to lead and/or support EDI work (e.g. create an Associate Dean of EDI that is 40% of an academic’s role associated with a formal workload allocation; hire professional staff to support EDI work)
- Embed EDI into everything that you do and the very foundations of how you operate.
GEDSI updates from SAGE:
The Victorian Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector has just released the Intersectionality at Work report, which investigates how the intersection of gender and other attributes (such as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, ability, cultural and racial marginalisation, and LGBTIQ+ status) shapes the experiences of Victorian public sector employees. The report also contains 13 recommendations for intersectional data collection.
Modelling intersectional pay gaps in academic careers: No matter their ethnicity, women have shorter careers and are more likely to leave academia. All minority ethnic groups – and women – earn considerably less than their male white, European colleagues over their academic lifetime.
General news
- The Cybersecurity CRC issued ‘Poison the Well – AI, data integrity and emerging cyber threats’.
- IP Australia issued ‘Intellectual property – your top questions answered’.
Research and Technology
- Nickel slag waste has a high commodity potential because it contains several valuable metals with relatively high economic value.
- Indonesia has significant potential for developing floating photovoltaic (FPV) solar power plants.
- The government policies boosted the development of nuclear medicine in Indonesia.
- BRIN is disseminating research results on “Assessment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater in Healthcare Facilities in Indonesia,” which explains that antimicrobial resistance is a global public health issue.
Research and Innovation
- Indonesia currently ranks eighth out of 11 Southeast Asian countries in research and innovation.
- BRIN is studying the potential of fly ash resulting from coal combustion for the sustainability of the strategic commodity production system of shallots in peatlands and highland dry areas.
- BRIN is enhancing research competitiveness and development in Indonesia by improving facilities, funding, licensing, human resource consolidation, infrastructure, and innovation.
- BRIN has released four new superior varieties of betel nut, tobacco, and cocoa plants to increase the export value of plantation commodities.
- BRIN is developing the Learning Extreme Weather Event Over The Indonesia Maritime Continent (LESus) as an information system that focuses on creating a general formulation of extreme events in the atmosphere and oceans.
- PT Avirtech Solusi Teknologi, PT Aering, and PT Mineral Industri Indonesia collaborate with BRIN to use research and innovation in aquaculture, agriculture, aviation, and mining.
- The Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Gunungkidul Regency, Gunungkidul University, and Tidar University collaborate with BRIN on researching food resilience.
- The Archaeology, Language, and Literature Research Organization (OR ARBASTRA) under the BRIN is developing two Program Houses (RP) to accommodate all the creative ideas of researchers.
- The Nusantara Capital City Authority has collaborated with BRIN to strengthen the database and information that will assist in the development of Nusantara Capital City (IKN).
- The Riau Provincial Government is establishing the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA), which will become a research leading sector in Riau.
- The transformation of national standards and accreditation for higher education in the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation (Permendikbudristek) No. 53 of 2023 on Quality Assurance of Higher Education is driving several universities to creatively generate breakthroughs and innovations in fulfilling the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Research and Women
- The Feminist Study Circle (LSF) has released its Annual Report on campus sexual violence data with the theme “Igniting Courage, Creating Safe Campuses Free from Sexual Violence.”
Research and Disability
- The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Regulation (Permendikbudristek) for Preventing and Handling Violence in Educational Unit Environments (PPKSP) will protect all members of the educational institution, including individuals with disabilities.
Research and Funding
- KONEKSI is funding research to study how children and adolescents learn about climate change in Indonesia, especially in NTT.
- BRIN is opening research assistance scholarships to students in their final year of study through research and innovation talent management.
- The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology’s Matching Fund program had a positive impact on the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the University-Industry Collaboration in Indonesia.
- The 2025-2045 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) will increase investments in maritime research & technology, blue funding, and maritime funding.
Environment and Climate Change (ECC)
- BRIN has identified signs of an upcoming Gorilla El-Nino or more severe drought in Indonesia.
- BRIN mentioned several environmental issues in East Kalimantan and the IKN (Indonesia Capital City) project, including deforestation and forest degradation.
- The implementation of carbon tax policies is crucial, considering Indonesia’s vulnerability to climate change.
- Three success factors for energy transition with the implementation strategies: decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalisation. There is also significant potential in sustainable energy sources such as geothermal, hydropower, bioenergy, solar, and wind.
Updates supported by Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA)