KONEKSI Special Session at IRSA 2023
“Situating intersectional inequality and equity in the social sciences: Where are we and what can we do“
KONEKSI, the Australia Indonesia Knowledge Partnership Platform, invites you to delve into the crucial topic of addressing intersectional inequality in the social sciences. This special session will explore the significance of research equity, why it matters, and strategies to tackle inequity and equity in research. The session will highlight emerging themes and strengths of social science research in Indonesia that contribute to advancing social equality, in all its forms.
Distinguished speakers:
- Dr Inaya Rakhmani, Director of Asia Research Centre, Universitas Indonesia
- Dr Zulfa Sakhiyya, Associate Professor, State University of Semarang (UNNES)
- Prof. Dr. Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti, MA, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Moderator: Dr Angie Bexley, KONEKSI Head of Technical Delivery, Partnership and GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion)
Date and time: Monday, 17 July 2023, 10.45-12.15 WIB (GMT +7)
Place: Meeting Room B, IPB International Convention Centre (IICC), Bogor, West Java
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts and contribute to the discourse on intersectional inequality. The KONEKSI Special Session at IRSA (Indonesian Regional Science Association) 2023 is part of the annual IRSA conference, which serves as a key platform for over 300 multidisciplinary Indonesian and international academics to present research findings, network with government officials, and connect with industry professionals working in the field of regional science.
Join us at IRSA 2023 and be a part of shaping the future of equitable social science research in Indonesia!
Registration: https://bogor2023.irsa.or.id/registration/