Protecting the Most Vulnerable in Rural Indonesia: How Can We Develop More Adaptive Social Protection?
Research location: | Nusa Tenggara & Sulawesi |
Research summary: | This project aims to support the social integration of marginal groups in Adaptive Social Protection. It will focus on the two most vulnerable rural groups, dry-land smallholders and small-scale fishers; and explore policy options for Government of Indonesia to better develop Adaptive Social Protection and align it with local conditions and needs. This multidisciplinary project will integrate qualitative and quantitative approaches, apply livelihood, food security, economic and demographic analyses to map vulnerabilities and evaluate how Adaptive Social Protection can best to build adaptive capacity. It will increase the capacity of Indonesia’s emerging Adaptive Social Protection system to assist those most vulnerable and build their adaptive capacity while ensuring that gender equality and social inclusion considerations are central to adaptive social protection planning. |
Evaluating the contribution of social forestry management rights towards climate proof livelihoods of women and men in Indonesia
Partners Indonesian Organisations – Perkumpulan Untuk Peningkatan Usaha Kecil (PUPUK)– The Asia Foundation– Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (Research Center for Society and Culture and Research Center for Population Studies), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)– Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga Australian Organisations School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences, Faculty of Science, University
Maintaining blue carbon by learning from Indigenous Papuan women’s conservation and adaptation strategies in Papua’s mangrove areas
Partners Indonesian Organisations Universitas Papua, Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup Australian Organisations The University of Queensland, School of Social Science Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr Aplena Elen Siane Bless Researchers Dr Jenny MunroEls Tieneke Rieke, PhD;Agustina Sylvanie Mori Muzendi, MSi,Yustina L.D. Wambrauw, M.GFAgribussYenny Yendri Solosa, M.ScDesi Natalia Edowai, MPHermina Haluk, M.EngDr. Petrus DimaraDr. Selvi TebayKrisma Lekito,
Enhancing Food Resilience and Strengthening Animal Health Capacity Through Comprehensive Assessment of Arthropod-borne Diseases in Changing Climate Scenarios in Indonesia
Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Sebelas Maret, Faculty of Animal Science– Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Animal Science– Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Pusat Riset Veteriner Australian Organisations The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Veterinary School, Faculty of Science Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr. med. vet. Penny Humaidah Hamid, DVM., M. Biotech Researchers – Prof. Abdul
Empowering Women in Mitigating Climate Change Impacts on Health
Partners Indonesian Organisations Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Nursing Australian Organisations – Monash University, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science– The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Science Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Ns. Suryane Sulistiana Susanti, S.Kep., M.A.,Ph.D Researchers Ns. Rona Cahyantari Merduaty, S.Kep., M.AdvNNs. Indah Permata Sari, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.KomDessie Wanda,
Empowering Women in Mitigating Climate Change Impacts on Health Read More »
Multipurpose coastal reservoir development for Jakarta for water and energy security
Partners Indonesian Organisations – Bandung Institute of Technology– Indonesian Agency for National Planning (Bappenas)– Indonesian Institution of Engineers/Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) Australian Organisations University of Wollongong, Australia, School of Civil, Mining, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Assoc. Prof Muttucumaru SivakumarAssoc. Prof Shuqing Yang Researchers Dr Andojo WurjantoDr Entin Agustini KarjadiAbdul Malik
Multipurpose coastal reservoir development for Jakarta for water and energy security Read More »
Tide Eye – AI/IoT-powered Airborne System for Monitoring Water Level and Tidal Floods in North Coast of Central Java
Partners Indonesian Organisations – Telkom University (Tel-U), Faculty of Electrical Engineering– Pemali-Juana River Basin Office (BBWS) of Ministry of Public Works and People Housing– PT. Hilmy Anugerah Consulting Engineer Ltd. (PTHA) Australian Organisations University of Wollongong (UOW), Faculty of Engineering and Information Science (EIS) Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) A/Prof Le Chung Tran Researchers Prof Son
Future proofing a basic social service: climate-resilient community-based rural water supply
Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Engineering– Centre for Policy Regulation and Governance (CPRG), Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor– Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Australian Organisations University of Technology Sydney, Institute for Sustainable Futures Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Professor Juliet Willetts Researchers Dr. Cindy PriadiDr. Mova Al’AfghaniDr Daniel Research
Forced labour and climate change: keeping a focus on women and children
Partners Indonesian Organisations – Universitas Diponegoro, Department of Urban and Regional Planning– Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Research Center for Law –National Research and Innovation Agency Australian Organisations Griffith University, Disrupting Violence Beacon Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr Amy Young,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiwandari HandayaniDr Laely Nurhidayah Researchers Professor Patrick O’LearyProfessor Elena MarchettiProfessor Sara DaviesDr Ana Borges
Forced labour and climate change: keeping a focus on women and children Read More »
CORE-STEP: Advancing Innovative Knowledge-Based Solutions for Inclusive and Climate Ready Primary Health Care Systems
Partners Indonesian Organisations Universitas Syiah Kuala, Graduate Program in Disaster Science; Faculty of Medicine; Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center/ TDMRC Australian Organisations Griffith University, School of Medicine and Dentistry; Griffith Asia Institute/GAI Lead Researcher/s (Principal Investigator) Dr. Rina Suryani Oktari, PhD Dr. Connie Cai Ru Gan, PhD, MPH Researchers – Prof. Dr. Taufik Fuadi